Our products spread over a wide field but our main focus still are pressure, transport and storage. It all started with a basket for transport of gas cylinders.

Basket for cylinders
Our variants after a while was as many as our customers and therefore we only show some of our produced products on our webpage.
Basket for cylinders
Later to be supplemented with Gas Cylinder Racks. This range of products has been developed to meet current demands for safety according to TPED and EN13769 / EN ISO 10961. This picture illustrate a pack with 12 B50 Cylinders, all tied together with a stainless steel manifold in one piece.

Variations of models
Also here we made everything according to our customers demands for shape and design and we followed the directives for standards within EU for control and testing.
Our test facilities and methods are extensive with the demand to always pass droptest according to ADR packaging code P200 and of cause EN13769 / EN ISO 10961 where its very thoroughly described the procedure for this tests.